Ted Oakley

Ted Oakley

2 Interviews

Ted Oakley's Interviews

Ted Oakley 02 Nov 2023 • EN

S2Ep149: Protecting Wealth 101

In episode #149, Allan chats with Ted Oakley. Ted founded Oxbow Advisors, an investing firm that specializes in advising high net worth clients. Topics include:Why investing balance is important for entrepreneurs (2:29)Exiting a cycle of only re-investing into ne’s company (4:35)The importance of liquidity (7:47)Econom

25 min
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Ted Oakley of Oxbow Advisors joins me for a practical get-to-know-you talk about investing in the current rising interest rate environment. It is always great to find a kindred spirit who is committed to giving people actionable information about where to place their money. Show Notes; Oxbow Advisors

54 min
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Podcasts with Ted Oakley


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