Sarah Tekath

Sarah Tekath

6 Interviews

Sarah Tekath's Interviews

Sarah Tekath & Samantha Wolfson 21 Nov 2022 • EN

#53: Making New Friends With Food - Samantha Wolfson

Food always brings people together. During a family dinner, a religious holiday or birthdays. Also, living in a foreign country, most of us have probably experienced the feeling of loneliness in one way or another. So why not bringing these two things together: food and making new friends? This is exactly what Samantha

34 min
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Sarah Tekath & Puck Middelkoop 07 Nov 2022 • EN

#52: Baby Clothes Rental - Puck Middelkoop

Babies and children grow out of their clothes insanely fast. So, what are parents supposed to do? Buy new outfits every other week? And what happens to the old clothes that were barely worn. Puck Middelkoop came up with an idea to make the lives of parents a lot easier.  Hulaaloop Website: Hu

25 min
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Sarah Tekath & Valerie Fuchs 24 Oct 2022 • EN

#51: The First Non-Awkward Computer Club - Valerie Fuchs

Sadly, IT is still a field where women are underrepresented – for multiple reasons. But there is a woman who wants to change that. After graduating from a Coding Bootcamp herself in 2017, Valerie Fuchs founded Cafe Robot that aims to be a little different to your usual tech community. Book Recommendations “Broad Band -

26 min
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Sarah Tekath & Fréderike Geerdink 10 Oct 2022 • EN

#50: Living In A PKK Fighter Camp - Fréderike Geerdink

Frederike Geerdink is a Dutch journalist who specializes in reporting on Kurdish people and political issues in Turkey. Her work has been nominated for the Brusseprijs, an annual prize for the best journalistic book in the Netherlands. The nomination stated, Fréderike Geerdink is one of those courageous Dutch journalis

33 min
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Sarah Tekath & Veronique Aicha 26 Sep 2022 • EN

#49: Can Detention Houses Replace Prisons? - Veronique Aicha

There are certain rules that our society follows that we accept as a given. We do not think much about it. One of these rules is the following one: A person who commits a crime goes to prison. But what if prisons didn't exist? Could you imagine a world without prisons? Rescaled most certainly can, because they are chal

30 min
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Sarah Tekath & Mickelle Weber 12 Sep 2022 • EN

#48: NFTs And Peregrines - Mickelle Weber

Moving to a new place is always a challenge. Especially, when it is a new country. We need to figure out how things work, we need to find a home, apply for a job or fix our health insurance. When all of this is done, then there is the next step. Get to know the locals and find new friends. Often, we find our people in

19 min
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Podcast with Sarah Tekath


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