Wild Flow with Charlotte Pointeaux

Updated: 01 May 2024 • 88 episodes

Wild Flow guides women to remember and integrate menstrual cycle awareness into their lives and sacred business. Despite living in a world where cycles are all around us in nature, in life and mirrored in our own bodies, we grow up taught to suppress and deny the power of our menstrual cycle and womb wisdom, and suffer as a result.  Wild Flow podcast inspires women to awaken a deep inner knowing of the wisdom of their body, to embrace their menstrual cycle as a gift and source of power, and to live in flow with their inner seasons. When you do this, you will flourish and flow in life, at home and at work.  Hosted by Charlotte Pointeaux, Internationally Award-Winning Menstrual Cycle Coach, Priestess, and Founder of the First Moon Circle School of menstrual education for children, Charlotte shares her own embodied wisdom, tips and cyclical living practices plus juicy, soulful conversations with guest wisdom keepers on topics from rites of passage, to womb healing, hormone health, feminine spirituality and cyclical living. Ready for more?  Take the FREE QUIZ to discover your Cyclical Leadership style,  get your free cycle charting kit and womb meditations, and join Charlotte’s cycle wisdom membership The Wild Flow Coven and more at www.charlottepointeaux.com

Show episodes

The Witch Wound lives in the collective and within ourselves, keeping us small, scared and silent by default, and in need of having to do so much work to show up as our full leader selves. If you"re a coach, a healer, space holder, or wellbeing practitioner in any way, you would have been labelled a Witch in the past,

57 min
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I"m diving deep and sharing all the juice on what your relationship with your period says about your business. In this episode I"m teaching you how to bring in cyclical business strategy that goes beyond cycle syncing biz tasks to the different energy phases of your menstrual cycle, so you operate on a timeline that ho

45 min
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Comparisonitis is the thief of joy, it"s the energy of unworthiness, as compared to others or to where we think we should be, and it"s a huge problem when it comes to stepping forward into your power in life and business.  We all do it - but what can we do about it? I"m talking this through because it"s something I see

64 min
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Hustle is the energy of fear and scarcity, and results in burnout, and distracts you from your values and vision and the impact you"re here to make. If you"ve been hustling, or feeling like it"s the only way to succeed, and you"re so ready to life and business on your terms, and at your pace, then I"m here to share tha

30 min
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Seed cycling is a hot topic, a menstrual bio-hacking practice that"s existed for aeons and handed down as women"s wisdom, but not until recently have the many benefits and healing potential of seed cycling been evidenced through scientific research, Backing up what we"ve known works for a long time. I"m chatting with t

52 min
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Did you know that Autumn Equinox is linked to PMS and Menopause, and how you experience one is a mirror of how you expereince them all? This week in the southern hemisphere it"s Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, on 21st March. I"m sharing the traditional and spirutual meaning of equinox, and how gives us clues to ha

36 min
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