Updated: 09 Sep 2024 • 175 episodes

Join architect Evan Troxel as he explores important topics surrounding the co-evolution of technology and architecture. Guests from the architectural community and beyond join in long-form conversations about the influence digital transformation is having on the profession with long digressions on leadership, change management, knowledge transfer, where all this may lead to in the future of the building industry, and more.

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Parley Burnett and Chris Shafer join the podcast to talk about the hidden inefficiencies within the AEC industry. We discuss the automation of industry standards, educating software users in real-time, streamlines processes, the importance of BIM model health, eliminating technical debt and the ROI associated with thes

77 min
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Phil Read and Adam Thomas join the podcast to talk about leadership development, the crucial balance between technical know-how and soft skills, cultivating interpersonal relationships, stress management, mentorship, where to go to foster leadership skills and behaviors, accountability, and more. You’ll also learn abou

88 min
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Ryan Cameron joins the podcast to talk about the recent AI focused Technology in Architecture Practice (TAP) Symposium at AIA’24. Today he shares insights from the symposium headlined by keynote speakers Phil Bernstein and Dr. Mehdi Nourbakhsh, PhD, who have both previously appeared on TRXL, and he provides an explanat

65 min
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Nirva Fereshetian joins the podcast to talk about the complexities of implementing and managing digital practice within an architecture firm, including the challenges posed by tool fatigue, the importance of understanding business problems, and the intricacies of vetting and adopting new technology. Our discussion cove

83 min
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In this special Campfire Series episode, Geoff Manaugh joins the podcast to tell us the story of BLDGBLOG. We discuss how he maintains an online presence while playing the algorithm games of social media and talk about the topic of content ownership and the evolution of blogging. We also get into the creative opportuni

88 min
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David Benjamin and Thomas van Haren join the podcast to talk about the journey of creating sustainable building materials using mycelium, the history of their partnership and the evolution from demonstration projects to scalable solutions, insights on the importance of digital workflows, the challenges and innovations

70 min
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