The TriDot Triathlon Podcast
This is The TriDot Podcast! We are here to educate, inspire, and entertain. We’ll talk all things triathlon, swim, bike, run, nutrition, recovery, & strength training, with expert coaches and special guests. So whether you are a triathlete training for a sprint, olympic, or IRONMAN event. Join the conversation, and let's improve together.
Show episodes
When considering adding a race to your calendar, what variables should factor into your decision to register? Or to pass? Coaches Raya Usher and Ken Presutti join the show to present the five questions you should ask before adding a race to the calendar. They'll discuss ways to lay out your season calendar and help you
As the fourth discipline of triathlon, triathletes are very intentional with race day nutrition. But what we put into our bodies day-to-day has a much bigger impact on our overall health. Today, 6X IRONMAN World Champion and legendary coach Mark Allen shares his six rules for daily nutrition. He discusses the importanc
Since assessment workouts serve as a benchmark of your current fitness, it is crucial to perform your best in these training sessions. TriDot Coaches Matt Sommer and Elizabeth James join the podcast to break down everything you need to know for your next assessment week. We'll discuss the importance of fitness benchmar
While long course requires stamina, short course racing involves a lot of power and speed! Two-time short course National Champion and TriDot Coach Ben Sommerville joins Coach Ryan Tibball on the podcast to emphasize the importance of building speed before your next short course race. From the timing of fueling and pro
IRONMAN training certainly takes some time, but it doesn't need to take over your entire life. It's possible (and important) to balance training with your regular commitments and priorities. This week, IRONMAN U Master Coach Michellie Jones and TriDot Coach Jeff Raines join the podcast to debunk all the time commitment
Success in triathlon training and racing can be just as much mental as it is physical. You devote numerous hours to swimming, biking, and running to train your body, but what are you doing, if anything, to develop your mind? Can your mindset truly impact your performance results? On today's episode, mental skills coach