The Science of Everything Podcast

Updated: 29 Mar 2025 • 175 episodes

I discuss a variety of topics in both the natural and social sciences, exploring the many fascinating insights that the scientific method yields about the world around us.

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A review of the science between the metabolic syndrome, including discussion of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. We discuss the pathophysiology of how enlargement of adipocytes disrupts metabolic signalling pathways and leads to buildup of lipid intermediates. We then consider how these effects impa

76 min
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An introduction to human nutrition, in which we discuss the nutritional importance and role of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, before considering the effects of malnutrition, how it is measured, and its prevalence around the world. We conclude with an analysis of basal metabolic rate, reviewing e

74 min
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An exploration into the exciting world of home appliances and devices. We begin with a journey through the kitchen, discussing the design and operating principles behind the refrigerator, rice cooker, convection oven, microwave, and dishwasher. We proceed to the laundry to examine how the washing machine, vacuum cleane

77 min
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An introduction to the psychological study of personality, beginning with a definition of what is and is not personality and a brief history of the development of the field from Freud and Jung through the Myers-Briggs Indicator and the modern trait theories. I then discuss the Big Five personality traits, covering open

44 min
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An introduction to the processes by which cells control which genes are expressed. We begin with an overview of why genetic regulation is necessary and the key stages where such regulation occurs, including key concepts such as transcription factors and DNA binding domains. We then discuss prokaryotic gene regulation,

69 min
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Here we survey of the causes and consequences of genetic mutation, including a discussion of mechanisms of endogenous and induced mutations, rates of mutation, types of single nucleotide mutations, and the phenotypic effects of mutation. We also discuss various mechanisms for detecting and repairing genetic mutations,

73 min
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