The Science of Everything Podcast

Updated: 30 Jun 2024 • 168 episodes

I discuss a variety of topics in both the natural and social sciences, exploring the many fascinating insights that the scientific method yields about the world around us.

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Continuing our series on General Relativity, we discuss the derivation of the Schwarzschild metric as a vacuum solution to Einstein's Field Equations, and analyse the physical meaning of this solution, including the properties of the singularity, event horizon, and effects of time dilation and length compression. We th

85 min
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Our climate change series concludes with a discussion of the various lines of evidence indicating that recent warming is the result of human-produced greenhouse gases, including greater warming at night, cooling of the stratosphere, and relative depletion of C14 in the atmosphere. We then consider the various expected

78 min
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An overview of climate models, beginning with a summary of the major types of models, and then a more detailed disussion of hte primitive equations and parameterised feedbacks that characterise the widely used Atmospheric General Circulation Models. We also discuss techniques for model validation and some evidence rega

65 min
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A detailed discussion of the greenhouse effect and its impact on Earth's climate. We begin with a discussion of Earth’s energy budget, the various greenhouse gases and their interactions with longwave radiation, and a summary of major sources of greenhouse gas emisions. We then examine the mechanisms of the greenhouse

83 min
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An overview of the natural mechanisms by which climate changes over time. Beginning with an introduction to the concepts of radiative forcing and climate sensitivity, we then discuss solar forcing, orbital changes, volcanic eruptions, and silicate weathering, covering how each process operates and the effects it has on

46 min
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A journey through the history of Earth's changing climate, in which we explore how Earth's climate has fluctuated over the past billion years. After reviewing the various temperature proxies used to estimate past climactic conditions, we discuss the varying hothouse and icehouse periods of Earth's history, the onset of

50 min
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