The Lisa Bean Podcast

Updated: 06 Sep 2024 • 103 episodes

The all-new Lisa Bean podcast - weekly motivation to help you change your life! Lisa Bean is the founder of the multiple six figure business DARETOGROW, and author of the Amazon topping book First Sh!t Version. Through her online programmes she teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs how to launch a business to make a living doing what they love and how to scale that business to six figures online. Having sold over £1m of services in her businesses (across marketing, recruitment and online training), Lisa specialises in helping people craft their stand out message, launch their offer and scale using funnel and content marketing. She is a self confessed video geek and regularly releases vlogs of her travels and business journey. From the UK originally, Lisa recently put her belongings into storage to travel around Europe with her partner and whippet.

Show episodes

[I'm telling clients to use this sales + marketing approach - Sept 2024] If you're in my world, a client, a future client, someone who wants to work with me to make more sales in their business please watch this. It's the actual answer! Do these three things if you want to make sales online. I know that marketing has c

24 min
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I’ve just come back from a massive summer of selling, and it was helped by two things:   (1) I got married and took a week off, so I had to do more in less time to be fully present at my wedding; and,   (2) everyone was reporting 'sales are down, sales are down' but people were looking to me for how to make sales.   It

25 min
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In this episode, I'm going to give you 3 inspiring (and honest) sales ideas for the summer. I'm also going to explain why it's so vitally important that you turn up over summer, and how to reposition sales and marketing in your mind to lean in with more focus.    P.s. If you want to check out the brand new marketing co

33 min
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Masculine energy creates the safety and carves out the time our feminine energy needs in order to breathe into our art. When people aren't making progress in their business, we can say they're stuck and don't know what to try next, they're overwhelmed by all the jobs on their list, they have a subconscious block that's

34 min
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From the messy start to the polished commercial finish, all art must be created and then curated in order to be seen and appreciated. And we want our art to be seen don't we? We want our videos to be watched and our books to be read. Therefore, as purpose-driven creators, entrepreneurs and artists we must separate the

5 min
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You know, the memory of who you 'are' is so much more powerful than the identity of the person you're trying to become simply because it has more evidence and has been 'true' for longer. In trying to change your life and get a new result in your business, you have to let go of the memory of who you thought you were and

44 min
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