Seize the Moment Podcast

Updated: 14 Jan 2024 • 203 episodes

Seize the Moment Podcast, hosted by Leon Garber and Alen Ulman, is a project centered around making the most important and useful ideas in psychology, philosophy, and personal development mainstream. We feature guests from all walks of life whether they be artists, musicians, comedians, entrepreneurs, philosophers, psychologists and many more. There is a saying, “the most essential knowledge is not yet made widely accessible.” We want to make that information accessible and change as many lives for the better as possible. Leon Garber is a philosophical writer, contemplating and elucidating the deep recesses of man's soul. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Psychotherapist — specializing in Existential Psychotherapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Trauma Therapy — and manages a blog exploring issues of death, self-esteem, love, freedom, life-meaning, and mental health/mental illness, from both empirical and personal viewpoints. Alen Ulman is a content creator and life long auto-didact. Alen manages the page Ego Ends Now which is a growing community for expanding consciousness with vital information about science, medicine, self actualization, philosophy, psychology and methods to overcome identification with compulsive thought. The purpose of Ego Ends Now is to make sure to give everyone in it's community every tool available to add levity in their own lives, making it a very real possibility for them to create a life of their own design, and help impact the world and our global community positively.

Show episodes

On episode 201, we welcome J. Aaron Simmons to discuss why we’re so unhappy, the limitations of pursuing external success, faith as risk with direction, Kierkegaard and the aesthetic life, status obsession as a form of avoidance, why cultivating good relationships may be more challenging than becoming rich, the archety

71 min
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On episode 200, we welcome Tom Morris and Gregory Bassham to discuss stoic philosophy, radical acceptance and its relationship with the divine, what the stoics believed about god and the afterlife, the four cardinal virtues and why one needs to cultivate all of them, whether the stoics actually sought to eliminate nega

70 min
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On episode 199, we welcome Jeffrey Fuhrer to discuss the fallacy of trickle down economics and the self-made myth, what companies actually do with tax breaks, the distinct perspectives of the flaws of human nature in communism and capitalism, the wealth gap and racial income disparities, what happens when governments i

65 min
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On episode 198, we welcome Mark White to discuss the philosophy of Daredevil, applying utilitarianism and deontology to his vigilantism, his apparent OCD-like tendencies and inability to make firm decisions, Kant’s understanding that ethical decisions are ultimately our own, why Daredevil didn’t often include others wh

72 min
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On episode 197, we welcome Roberto Olivardia to discuss the Adonis Complex and muscle dysmorphia, how men become obsessed with becoming more muscular, whether the obsession is about attracting a potential mate or something else, Leon’s personal history of muscle dysmorphia and Alen’s past preoccupations with his body i

58 min
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On episode 196, we welcome Richard Deming to discuss chronic loneliness, being lonely around people, Richard’s past tendency to avoid it with excessive alcohol use, loneliness as an existential fact of life as opposed to an illness to be remedied, how it fosters creativity, how writing bridges the gap between people, t

66 min
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