Raising Elite Competitors

Updated: 07 May 2024 • 203 episodes

The GO TO PODCAST for Sports Moms raising confident girl athletes! Elite Competitor Co-Founder Coach Breanne Smedley (AKA Coach Bre) is all about empowering moms with the tools they need to strengthen their athlete daughter's mental game so she believes in herself as much as you do (and plays like it!). Whether you're a sports mom with lots of seasons under your belt, just getting started on this sports journey, or somewhere in between... think of this podcast as your go-to guide to helping your daughter navigate the ups and downs of her sports journey. If you feel like you've tried everything to build your daughter's confidence and often don't know what to say to support her (especially when she's being super hard on herself), then you're in the right place. Coach Bre and her guests break it down into actionable strategies that WORK so that you never have to feel stuck not knowing what to say or how to help your athlete daughter again. Through what you learn on the Raising Unstoppable Girl Athletes Podcast, you can ensure that your daughter's mental game and confidence is her biggest strength... in sports AND life! 

Show episodes

Injuries happen, and they’re tough on everyone involved. As a coach or parent of a young athlete, it’s heartbreaking to see them sidelined and struggling. But injuries don’t have to break your athlete’s spirit. In this episode, I’m sharing practical tips on how to turn an injury setback into an opportunity for growth a

13 min
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Are you tired of seeing your athlete get stuck in those negative spirals of self-doubt? Wishing they could play with more confidence and shake off mistakes without beating themselves up? Well, today’s episode is all about changing the inner dialogue. We’re talking about how to help your athlete develop positive self-ta

27 min
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Hey athletes, ever have those days where you just want to skip practice and chill on the couch? Trust me, I get it! But here’s the thing, the best athletes don’t let those feelings hold them back. In this episode, I’m sharing my secrets for staying motivated, even when you really don’t feel like it. What’s CoveredWhy y

Are you constantly seeing your young athlete struggle with low energy on the field? Do they complain about feeling sluggish or not being able to focus throughout the day? Feeling confused about what to feed them to optimize their performance and build a healthy relationship with food? If this sounds like you, then this

27 min
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Does your daughter hold back in her sport? Do you see her hesitate when she could be going for it? Today, we’ll talk about how you can help her become a more aggressive and confident competitor! What’s Covered:Why athletes sometimes hesitate or hold back in their sport.5 powerful tips to help your daughter play more ag

26 min
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Did you know that focusing on mental training can actually save you time and frustration as a sports parent? It’s true! In this episode, I’ll talk about how you can fit mental training into your daughter’s busy schedule. We’ll talk about why this is such a powerful investment and simple strategies to make it happen.Why

18 min
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