Quick Takes: A podcast by physicians, for physicians

Updated: 26 Jun 2024 • 43 episodes

Every year physicians and residents encounter a growing number of patients — and a shrinking amount of time to keep up-to-date on new practices or legislation surrounding the field of mental health and addiction. Now, with the help of Dr. David Gratzer, co-chief of the General Adult Psychiatry & Health Systems Division at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, you can receive your clinical education on-the-go as he and his guests take these current policies and practices and summarize them for you. As an educator, Dr. David Gratzer has been recognized by students and peers alike for his ability to take complex topics and present them in a concise and interesting way. He’s been doing this with a variety of articles related to psychiatry since 2012 in his popular blog, Reading of the Week. Now, in this new show, Dr. Gratzer brings his analytical skills on-air and, with the help of other experts, presents them in short, easily digestible, podcasts. Give him just a few minutes of your time for each episode and come away with strategies and insight on how each topic could affect your practice — and your patients.

Show episodes

“As far as medical treatments go, ECT is the safest medical procedure in all of medicine.” Will the stigma around ECT fade? Will ECT simply grow less relevant in the age of ketamine and MST? What’s the future of neuromodulation? Join Dr. David Gratzer as he speaks to Dr. Daniel Blumberger, scientific director of the Te

26 min
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“They really are the most widely used guidelines in the world.” Much has changed over the past eight years. In 2016, singer Olivia Rodrigo was just starting high school; quarterback Tom Brady seemed ageless; none of us were talking about pandemics. Recently the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT)

35 min
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“It's visible. It's in our streetcars and buses, our subways our streets, and it's hard to ignore.” Homelessness seems to be more prevalent now than ever before. But why? And is there a solution? Joining Dr. David Gratzer to explore the challenges and changes in the chronically homeless population over the years is Dr.

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Textbooks, highlighters, and classrooms? The world of medical education is changing. Today, we have AI, sim, and e-learning. To talk about MedEd, Dr. David Gratzer sat down with returning guest Dr. Ivan Silver, former vice president of education at CAMH and vice dean of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine.

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“We want to really be cautious because these are complex pieces of software “ Should we be using an AI-based tool like ChatGPT in practice? Is it ready? Are we? In this episode of Quick Takes, Dr. Gratzer speaks with returning guest Dr. John Torous about the impact tools like this could have on mental health care, both

26 min
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On this episode of Quick Takes, Dr. Gratzer explores the increasing interest in coercive interventions across various jurisdictions. Joining him is journalist Anna Mehler Paperny who shares her personal experiences with involuntary hospitalization, highlighting the complex balance between patient rights and interventio

25 min
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