Beyond the Badge: Healing for first responders

Updated: 20 Nov 2023 • 117 episodes

Welcome to "Beyond the Badge: Healing for First Responders," the podcast dedicated to supporting and empowering first responders navigating the challenges of PTSD. Hosted by myself Adam Henson, this series delves into the realities of trauma faced by those who serve on the front lines and provides a beacon of hope and practical guidance for overcoming it. Through personal stories of resilience, expert insights, and practical strategies, we explore the multifaceted journey of healing. Each episode may feature candid conversations with mental health professionals, real-life accounts from first responders, and actionable advice on managing your career while prioritizing your well-being. Join us as we uncover the tools for recovery, build supportive networks, and foster resilience. Whether you’re a first responder dealing with PTSD or someone who supports them, "Beyond the Badge" offers a compassionate space to find hope, connection, and a path forward. Tune in and take the first step towards healing—because you are more than your badge, and your journey matters.

Show episodes

Your mind is the anchor for your life, a powerful force that can either keep you stuck in the past or propel you forward into the dynamic winds of the present reality. Like a ship anchored in the muck of history, if your thoughts and consciousness remain fixed on past experiences, your life too will remain stagnant, wi

25 min
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Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey, shifting your life from where it once was to a place of resilience and growth? Your life is like a structure, and the stronger your foundation, the more steadfast you"ll be in the face of adversity. This journey is all about building a rock-solid base upon which your

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Are you trapped in a relentless cycle of thoughts that seem to tether you to a past you"re so eager to forget? Each day, you toil diligently, striving to distance yourself from the shadow of yesteryears, yet paradoxically, your efforts seem only to intensify the grip of those memories. It"s as though the harder you pus

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Have you ever wondered if you"re experiencing PTSD or depression? The answer to that question lies within you, and only you can truly understand your own emotional and mental state. While seeking medical help for depression is relatively straightforward, addressing the complexities of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PT

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In the intricate tapestry of human existence, each one of us carries a unique collection of scars. When I say "all," I don"t simply refer to those who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); I encompass every single person on this planet. These scars come in various sizes and forms, each holding

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Every day, you face a critical choice that has the potential to shape the course of your life. It"s a choice between forging ahead into the realm of your own design, or remaining ensnared in the clutches of past events, relinquishing control over your destiny. If you find yourself here, listening to me now, I can only

26 min
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