The place to hear about the people who put audio on the internet before podcasting became a thing.
Show episodes
Founder and cEO of Givemetalk! Ted Ganchiff Ted Ganchiff decided in the late 90’s to take the road less travelled with a site called Give Me Talk!, making everyone a talk show host of their own program with audio on the internet. Read More The post Ted Ganchiff first appeared on PriorCaster.
Prime Cell Phone salesman, Anime visionary, Internet publishing maven and Monorail Pilot Chad Bowers Chad Bowers has taken the road less traveled on his lifelong journey to find interesting things to do and survive on. He has sold cell phones and ended Read More The post Chad Bowers first appeared on PriorCaster.
Streaming Pioneer, Filmmaker, crowdfunding inaugurate, Atari Homebrew evangelist and lead vocals James O’Brien James O’Brien has worn many hats, but I think his best one is independent media producer. He embodies the passion and drive that anyone who wants to produce their Read More The post James OBrien first appeare
Host, Guitarist, Bon Vivant and all around good guy PQ Ribber PQ Ribber has a long history of creative merry-making, from audio to art, books to bands, PQ has given a creative spin to whatever interests him. Having roots on “real” (terrestrial) Read More The post PQ Ribber first appeared on PriorCaster.
Founder and CoHost of StaticRadio.com Miles Tidal Miles Tidal is a reluctant internet radio pioneer. He joined his co-host Bob LeMent on their internet radio ride, with little to no technical knowledge. He just thought it would be fun. He dabbled in Read More The post Miles Tidal first appeared on PriorCaster.
Founder at The Independent Podcast Alliance C Peter Clough C Peter Clough started in audio media, via an 8-track and cassette tape sneaker-net operation back in the days of zines and no internet. His professional experience took him to radio and then Read More The post C Peter Clough first appeared on PriorCaster.