
Updated: 26 Jul 2024 • 588 episodes

Ever get the feeling that your government is out to get you? They are, and we set about to uncover the century's long plan for world domination by the psychopaths that are running the planet. We laugh at how insane it all is and interview prominent guests that might have ideas on how to foil their plans on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson.


Show episodes

The deranged old pedophile that America calls their President is not the one in charge of the country these days, that much is obvious even to the most indoctrinated morons that support his administration. The decisions that are being made are happening behind the scenes by people that do not answer to the general publ

63 min
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Everyone knows the long history of the Central Intelligence Agency overthrowing foreign governments, but most are unfamiliar with its two favorite cut-outs that now carry out much of the dirty work openly that the CIA did covertly for decades. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Natio

57 min
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The Pilgrim Society came to the United States from England over a century ago and has been covertly pulling the strings in American politics ever since. Born out of the British Roundtable Society, the focus of this group is to covertly control the Anglo-American Establishment from the shadows. William Ramsey explains h

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The “leaders” of North America met for the 10th time recently to map out how to ruin an entire continent from the inside out, and they came up with a few insanely stupid concepts that nobody was asking for to solve a problem that does not exist. The Woke mind virus is still spreading in the Davos circle as new ideas on

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Move over NATO, now there are even more acronym groups coming to challenge the “international rules-based order” that has been running and ruining this planet for half a century. As the BRICS+, SCO, NDB, ASEAN, and BRI emerge on the world scene, things are changing for the Globalists. With BRICS doubling the size of it

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The writer and director of “Hold Me”, Teace Snyder, returns to give us the backstory on the making of his film, and why the topic of assisted suicide has become a focal point of an unusual push coming from the Canadian government in the form of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). The movie shows the massive shortcoming

68 min
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