Ever get the feeling that your government is out to get you? They are, and we set about to uncover the century's long plan for world domination by the psychopaths that are running the planet. We laugh at how insane it all is and interview prominent guests that might have ideas on how to foil their plans on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson.
Show episodes
The same domestic terror tactics used for four decades across Western Europe by NATO to scare the population into obedience have found their way into the daily lives of average Americans. Car bombs and grocery store shootings have a way of shaping public opinion, and sometimes the visuals of the aftermath give away who
The seventh episode of the “End Of Days Q & A’s” series by director Ryan Page features part of a Macroaggressions episode about the Farsight Institute team that remotely viewed the events of 9/11. The results of their remote viewing sessions are shown in the episode, and the mystery surrounding one of the most importan
The Nazis weren’t the only regime that tried to normalize the process of sterilizing the “undesirables” in order to benefit society. In fact, the Third Reich borrowed the concept from, and was able to normalize it inside Germany, because of the laws that had been instituted in America decades earlier. The face of depop
How quickly people forget some of the most outrageous authoritarian schemes the Lunatic Left tried to perpetrate against Americans, like pushing vaccine passports, opening the borders, and lowering the age of consent with children. Most Americans feel that the woke agenda is incompatible with the values that they stand
Alex Petkas is a former professor who had to walk away from the dysfunctional world of academia to embark on his own Odysee to spread the work of some of the greatest minds of ancient Greece. The writings of Plutarch, one of the priests of the Temple of Delphi, is his area of expertise, and the writings show many simil
The planning of 9/11 was not left to the amateurs, as this was the biggest operation that the New World Order had ever undertaken. Deep operators who understood the mechanics of Washington D.C. and the Pentagon were required, former intelligence directors and even presidents had to be called in, and everything had to b