Lead and Lift
Leadership, Communication, and Confidence are must-have skills in your personal toolbox! Each Tuesday, join Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath, as she interviews expert guests who are leading in business and life and lifting others along the way! Whether you lead yourself; lead a team or lead your business, this podcast is for you!
Show episodes
In this episode, Chabidaye discuss:Setting the tone for a winning week Planning with intention Establishing a planning ritual Track your wins! Key Takeaways:Set your priorities - Identify 3 key outcomes or "big rocks" to focus on and accomplish each week. Block time in your calendar for these priorities. Plan your d
Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath: Dream Big, Start Small: How Micro Goals Lead to Major Wins
In this episode, Chabidaye discuss:Executing bite-sized goalsHow to properly track progress Sustaining motivation through celebration Dreaming big and taking small steps Key Takeaways:Bite-sized goals facilitate tackling monumental tasks. Start small for big dreams; consistent daily steps build momentum and habit. Tr
In this episode, Chabidaye discuss:Prioritizing the tasks with the highest impact Categorizing your tasks through the 4D systemManage your energy, not your time Eliminating unrealistic expectations Key Takeaways:Focus on the one most impactful task each day. Identify the "needle mover" that will have the biggest domin
In this episode, Chabidaye discuss:Clearing out your suitcase to prepare for the new yearFrom unrealistic expectations to realistic boundaries Decluttering your physical and digital spaces Resetting your mindset and practicing forgiveness Key Takeaways:Let go of your guilt from unfinished projects before the new year
Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath: End-of-Year Blues? How to Beat Overwhelm and Celebrate Your Wins
In this episode, Chabidaye discuss:Reflect on wins and elevate your mindsetFoster celebration rituals and release stress Building your future through vision and strategyHonor your journey Key Takeaways:Reflect on wins and recognize progress and accomplishments no matter how small. Elevate your mindset, don’t let gu
About Matthew Greger: Matthew Greger is an upcoming author of the book “Think Brilliance, How to Harness the Power of Curiosity and Creativity to Solve Problems, Discover New Ideas, and Drive Innovation.” Matthew is a visionary tech leader with over 30 years of experience in technology, marketing, and advertising. Kno