Herbal Womb Wisdom

Updated: 16 Jan 2024 • 105 episodes

Curious about herbal and holistic approaches to womb wellness (i.e. periods, infections, libido, pleasure, pain, PMS, hormones, body confidence, fertility, PCOS, cycle irregularity, etc)? No matter what phase of life you are in, or what you've been told is - or isn't - possible, if it's related to your wombspace, it's covered here. Clinical herbalist and integrative health educator Kay'aleya Hunnybee will guide you through a range of topics by combining traditional wisdom, embodied practice, and modern science. With her years of experience as an herbalist and history as a student midwife, doula and massage therapist, she brings a broadly integrative perspective. Expect inspiration, stories, research, some interviews, plenty of plant talk, occasional humor, a whole lot of being real, and a compassionate heart. You'll leave every episode with actionable steps to enhance your menstrual, sexual and hormonal health and enrich your life.

Show episodes

What if your womb was a portal? Well, my beautiful friend... it is.  Our wombs (and wombspaces - even if you no longer have a womb) are power centers in our body. In many ways, they are the literal seat of our embodied power.  And they are also where we create life, experience the life-death-life cycle repeatedly, conn

70 min
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It"s deep winter now. The time of quietude, slow movement, deep nourishment, and dreaming and visioning. And in the case of gardeners, this is often the time of choosing seeds, planning gardens, considering any shifts or changes you might be considering for your landscape, maybe even learning new skills that can serve

64 min
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There"s a term - body literacy - that"s thrown around a lot in Fertility Awareness circles. And it may seem vague, "like, what part of our body are we talking about?" And it"s true, you can become literate in any system of your body, technically. BUT your menstrual cycle is a window into your whole health - and has eve

56 min
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Your womb is a place of power, pleasure and possibility. AND it"s also a place where we tend to hold deep seated fears, imbalances and trauma - whether physical or energetic. I"ve decided to take a couple week break on new content creation for the podcast, and instead of just ghosting you, be more creative and intentio

54 min
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Okay, so most of us DO honor pregnancy and birth in a way that could be considered to be a rite of passage. We have blessingways, baby showers, even postpartum care.    But what about all the other pivotal moments of our womb story that we pass through?    The truth is, honoring these transitional times is part of many

46 min
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I know, I know... Human Design? What could a system that reads more like an astrological birth chart mixed with the I Ching and Chakras have to do with our sexuality or relationships? It"s a fair question, and one I had, too.  But today"s guest, Cara Dempsey, shares about how learning Human Design (and especially under

72 min
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