Happiness 2.02

Updated: 11 Apr 2022 • 31 episodes

Imagine having the power to breathe in and create happiness oxygen. How would that change your life? Happiness 2.02 is a mental-health show for anyone who wants to access their full human cognition, increase energy, and develop high-performance tools they need to tap into their happiness oxygen and reach their next level. Hosted by John Tukums, a TEDx speaker, entrepreneur, author, and inquisitive human being who loves understanding root knowledge and adding value at each and every touchpoint. Get your weekly dose of happiness oxygen every Monday from game-changers—like Former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann; Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Lou Ignarro; NY Times Best-Selling Author of ‘Breath’, James Nestor; CEO and Chair, Global Wellness Summit, Susie Ellis. Hear from the people who are reshaping our world and providing hope based on what's possible through their breakthroughs in mindset, biology, and health.

Show episodes

“Having access to the skills or the opportunities to experience the skills that would give someone the foundation of health, happiness and fulfill their potential - that is really what it is about.” – Nichol Bradford, Founder, CEO, and Transformative Technology Pioneer.  Changing her life after an attack by choosing no

31 min
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“The way you breathe is a marker for your longevity. Your lung capacity, your lung velocity and the mechanics of your breath tell you more about what kind of life you are going to live, your health and how long you are going to live.” – Dr. Belisa Vranich, clinical psychologist, author, public speaker, and founder of T

40 min
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“There is a reason for everything.” – Professor John Mew, British orthodontist and the creator of Orthotropics and the practice of Mewing. After being diagnosed as dyslexic, failing his final dentistry exam three times, and then going on to fail his specialist exam eight times, Professor John Mew, through his remarkabl

32 min
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“Live life reverently.” – Dr. Gino Yu, Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment and Game Development at the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, through an investigative process lives and acts from his deepest truth.  After facing challenges to find ways to fit in as an Asian Ameri

38 min
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“When you are at your peak performance and when you are at the happiest place in your life is the time where you can not only perform as an individual but you can perform your best as a company, and you can perform your best as a leader within your company.” – Jacqueline Way, founder of 365give which is a charitable or

37 min
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“It is impossible to change personal or collective behavior without sustainability practices.” – Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky, Vice Provost for Institutional Culture and Professor at the University of Miami, who has contributed to bringing the University to be the number one employer in the country's education sector as ran

40 min
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