Hack Your Wealth

Updated: 06 Jun 2023 • 95 episodes

As a lawyer / engineer / MBA, how can you achieve FIRE (financial independence, retire early) rapidly to quit the rat race, pursue your passions, and live life on your own terms? Andrew Chen – founder of the Hack Your Wealth Blog and lawyer, financial expert (CFA graduate), and tech industry veteran – shows you strategies and tactics to (1) earn, (2) save, (3) invest, and (4) protect as a high earner so that you can build massive wealth and create a portfolio that’s a FIRE machine. Through solo lessons, expert interviews, and side hustle profiles, you’ll learn about tax strategies, retirement account optimization, asset allocation & rebalancing, passive income (real estate investing, side hustling, online business, digital nomading), family finances (e.g., strategizing college education costs), travel hacking, estate planning, and career transitions. Andrew podcasts about the big picture concepts, then adds step-by-step implementation guides downloadable from the Hack Your Wealth website to help you FIRE strategically, methodically, and rapidly.

Show episodes

#95: The biggest concern many would-be retirees have, at least in the US, is the cost of healthcare. Not only is healthcare more expensive in the US than in every other industrialized country. There’s also no national health insurance system to control costs or standardize care quality…unless you’re a senior or very po

74 min
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#94: Real estate investing changed a lot the last couple years, but one asset class consistently punched above its weight: short-term rentals, a.k.a., STRs, e.g., Airbnbs. In 2020, when people couldn’t go on vacation by hopping on a plane to Europe, South America, or Asia, they got in their cars and drove to national p

56 min
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#93: Early retirees often fill their early years in retirement with lots of travel. There is even a vibrant community of nomadic early retirees who travel long-term. But what do you do about health insurance, especially if you’re American? Unlike in most other industrialized countries that have universal health insuran

53 min
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#92: Most FIRE stories are of men. A lot seem to be of ex-software engineers (on blogs anyway). It’s rare to see profiles of early retired women, especially single women who retired early from ambitious careers. Also, most FIRE stories focus on strategies for things like accumulating enough assets to FIRE. Investment s

65 min
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#91: It’s no secret that many healthcare professionals earn lots of money. So, you might think it’s relatively easy for them to achieve financial independence and retire early (or at least step back from demanding clinical hours). Aaaand….you’d be right about that! Sure, earning healthcare money is not a requirement fo

54 min
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23 Aug 2022 • EN

How to pay for college

#90: It’s back to school season, and that means it’s also the time of year for high school seniors to start agonizing over college applications. Applying to college is an anxiety-filled rite of passage for high school seniors, but it’s often just as anxiety-inducing for parents who bang their heads on how to pay for it

75 min
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