Dr. Kelly Neff
New Time Starts July 5th! Every First Wednesday at 10 am pt / 1pm et. Let's Get LUCID! Lucid Planet Radio will empower you to transform your lives and re-shape your world. Tune in to learn how to navigate the global shift in consciousness and develop tools to go within and connect to your deep inner knowledge, passion and purpose. Lucid Planet Radio is your new talk radio hub for transformational culture! As a social psychologist, the host Dr. Kelly Neff fuses her training, practical experience and unconventional life story with her her passion for people and growth. Get LUCID as you are stimulated by inspiring guests and topics across health & wellness, spirituality & meditation, sexuality, planetary consciousness, mental health, sustainable living, visionary culture and more. Previous guests have included Graham Hancock, Dr. Amit Goswami, Jason Silva, Prince EA, Android Jones, Chris Dyer, Dr. Rick Doblin, Dr. Eben Alexander and many more! Remember, a Lucid Life is a Happy Life, so join us to Get Lucid Every 1st Wednesday at 10am PT/ 1pm ET.
Show episodes
We have good reason to be scared during this time of a global pandemic and racial unrest. Fundamentally, we’re struck with unprecedented death, unemployment, social unease, uncertainty, and now riots and anarchy as the result of police brutality. Whatever your stance, who doesn’t feel a flood of fear, concern, and worr

Hope and Synchronicities: What we can learn from the Celestine Prophecy in Today’s World w/ Bestselling Author James Redfield
Even with huge amounts of fear, uncertainty and conflict surrounding us during this challenging time of social isolation, we are still seeing glimmers of hope, small acts of kindness and reminders of our elevated human consciousness. So today, l have a little treat for us, something to uplift us in these trying times:

Coping with the "New Normal": Staying Mentally Healthy during Social Isolation with Julia King
Today’s show is all about checking in with everyone and making sure we are taking good care of our mental and physical health during the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. What is happening right now in the world is something so unprecedented and unfathomable that it’s leaving many of us in shock, not to mention the str
The book addresses significant cultural trends such as rejecting traditional gender stereotypes in favor of gender fluidity, as well as the titillating technological advances that are poised to change everything about love and sex as we know it. Part two explores our changing identities, from reframing sex as a "spirit
After millennia of suppression, the Fierce Feminine, or Dark Mother, is making a dramatic resurgence to express our universal outrage. She is rising collectively now, and many women—and men—are feeling a welling up of sacred rage inside, a calling to set things right in our own lives and seek justice for those who can’

The Psychedelic Revolution: Bufo-Alvarius, the Underground Secret feat. Filip Zaruba
Today, Dr. Kelly interviews Filip Zaruba, director of Bufo Alvarius: The Underground Secret. We discuss 5-MEO-DMT, considered one of the strongest and most intense psychedelics ever discovered. We discuss Filip's experiences with the medicine, the making of the documentary and its impacts, as well as its implication fo