Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast
Baby Steps Nutrition, created and hosted by Argavan Nilforoush, a mompreneur and pediatric dietitian, is your go-to resource for an integrative approach to health and wellness. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or simply looking to improve your well-being, this podcast delivers actionable steps to enhance your health and the well-being of those around you. Each episode provides practical insights and inspiration to help you feel more confident and in control. We cover a broad range of topics, from nutrition to overall wellness, offering expert advice, strategies, and tips for people of all ages and stages of life. Join us for conversations with leading experts as we explore how small, intentional changes can create lasting, positive impacts in your everyday life.
Show episodes
Mentioned in this Episode: The First Forty Days Bookhttps://store.abramsbooks.com/products/the-first-forty-days March of Dimes- Nowhere to Go: Maternity Care Deserts Across the US 2024 Reporthttps://www.marchofdimes.org/maternity-care-deserts-report Fourth Trimester Podcasthttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fo
Mentioned in this Episode: American Academy of Pediatrics- HealthyChildren.org - https://www.healthychildren.org/English/Pages/default.aspx Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia - https://www.chop.edu/ Podcasts - https://www.jpbelinkiemd.com/podcasts For more on Dr. Parga-Belinkie, you can follow her on Instagram
On this insightful episode of the Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, Argavan chats with Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and co-creator of Intuitive Eating, an evidence-based, compassionate self-care eating framework rooted in dignity and respect for all bodies. Since 1995, Evelyn has be
Mentioned in This Episode and Eran’s Recommendations: Eran Magen on YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCve9zWBj7lqmuIatF4iY7wA Divorcing Dads websitehttps://www.divorcingdads.org/ Divorcing Dads Podcasthttps://divorcingdads.buzzsprout.com/2372419/follow For more on Dr. Magen, you can follow him on Instag
Mentioned in This Episode: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistryhttps://www.aapd.org/ Find a Pediatric Dentisthttps://www.aapd.org/publications/find-a-pd/ For more on Dr. Hardwick you can follow her on Instagram @tam.teeth and through her website mttampediatricdentistry.com. For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be
Mentioned in This Episode: Conflict Prevention Conflict Kithttps://lisarothman.com/conflict-prevention-jumpstart-kit/ Free 30-Minute Family Strategy Sessionhttps://lisarothman.com/offerings-for-families/ Rupture Repair Role Playhttps://lisarothman.com/rupture-repair-role-play/ For more on Lisa Rothman, you can