A Bit Of A Boost
Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost. A boost of energy, a boost of motivation, a boost of positivity. In A Bit Of A Boost, wellbeing and performance expert George Anderson shares ideas and strategies to give you the boost you need. Drawing on 2 decades of experience as a personal trainer, wellbeing, performance and mindset coach, George offers new perspectives and practical tips, and introduces an exciting lineup of guests who share their own personal go-to methods of boosting their wellbeing. A Bit Of A Boost aims to equip you with the tools and resources you need to boost your motivation, energy and mindset, and bridge the gap between knowing and doing as you move from information to implementation. You can find out more about George on his website at https://bygeorgeanderson.com/podcast, follow him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachgeorgeanderson and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/coachgeorgeanderson
Show episodes
Hello and welcome to A Bit Of A Boost with me, George Anderson I’m a wellbeing and performance coach, speaker and author and this podcast brings together guest experts, inspirational stories and ideas that I hope will you a bit of a boost. Today’s guest on the podcast is performance and resilience expert Charlie Ca
I hear a lot of people talking about the non-negotiables in their lives, usually habits around exercise or sleep or other areas of wellbeing that make a huge difference in their lives. And whilst I am clearly an advocate of having these routines, I don't personally have any 'non-negotiables' with any of them. I was
Today I am delighted to welcome on the show co-founder of Huel and nutritionist of over 30 years, James Collier! James recently published his first book - Well Fed - which is a very different kind of nutrition book where he introduces the idea of Contemplative Nutrition. In our conversation today we get into the 5
Jim Rohn tells us that 'we are the average of the 5 people we spend most of our time with', so are you actively seeking out the 'right' kind of person to be around? If you have goals that require you to develop different habits, skills, beliefs or even sense of identity, then getting around other people who normalise
I’m joined on the show today by a senior director of customer success at the software company, ServiceNow, Damien Davis. I haven’t known Damien for long but whenever we have spoken I’ve come away feeling like I’ve had a bit of a boost so it just made sense to invite him on the podcast! Damien shares stories of both
A lot of conversations with clients and audiences recently have been about consistency. Starting a new habit is one thing, sustaining it takes a whole other set of strategies. This episode gives a few insights about how to achieve this, and find a level of consistency that keeps you on track for continual progress.