Robert Cantwell

Robert Cantwell

2 Interviews

Robert Cantwell's Interviews

In episode 384, we welcome our guest, Robert Cantwell, founder and Chief Investment Officer of Upholdings and portfolio manager for the Compound Kings ETF. In today’s episode, we’re talking to the first person to convert a hedge fund into an ETF and invest in a private company through an ETF. Robert shares why he chose

56 min
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Haydn Brain + Ed Gotham & Robert Cantwell 05 Aug 2021 • EN

Robert Cantwell - The Compound Kings™ ETF (KNGS) - Investing in Compounders

Welcome to Opto Sessions where we interview the top traders and investors from around the world uncovering their secrets to success. Today,  I welcome Robert Cantwell, the founder of Upholdings and The Compound Kings™ ETF, ticker (KNGS). Upholdings was started to make high-quality growth investing available to more inv

61 min
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Podcasts with Robert Cantwell


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