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The marketing guru and author of “Purple Cow”, “The Dip”, and “Linchpin” has been a fixture on the New York-centric marketplace of ideas for decades; he helped popularize terms such as “permission marketing” and “viral marketing.” Cows are not the only things Godin prefers in unusual colors: the famed marketer has a penchant for bright-colored suits and extravagant glass frames.
Interviews: 200 Latest interview:
29 Jan 2025
Talked to:
Tim Ferriss, Richard Brooke, Aidan McCullen, Joel Beasley
and 2 others
Malcolm Gladwell is a journalist and New Yorker staff writer whose articles and books often contribute new insights to the fields of economics, business, psychology, and sociology. He makes fairly obvious observations about things that, somehow, everyone else has missed. Gladwell also hosts his own podcast, Revisionist History.
Interviews: 107 Latest interview:
30 Jan 2025
Talked to:
Jessi Hempel, Krys Boyd, Robert Pearl, Conan O'Brien
and 2 others