Scott Trench – Brad Barrett
Scott Trench is a business executive, an interview host, and a marketer. Brad Barrett is a coach / mentor, an interview host, and an entrepreneur. We found 4 podcast interviews connecting Scott Trench and Brad Barrett.
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Episodes with Scott Trench & Brad Barrett
426 | What to do with $2.5 Million & Real Estate Update | Scott Trench
In this episode: the 2.5 million dollar inversion, looking at the incentives, interest rates, your biggest asset, and potshots. When you begin your FI journey, you may feel like you must follow a certain path or plan in order to achieve your desired outcome. However, the longer you are this journey the more you realize
An Introduction to Financial Independence with Chris Mamula, Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa
Personal finance is easy, right? You read a blog or listen to a podcast and just follow everything they did. Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezy. Except that’s not how the world works. What brought success to one person may bring misery - and ultimately failure - to someone else. Personal Finance is P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L! Of course t
The Pillars of FI, Pt. 2: Designing the Life You Want with Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa from Choose FI
This is the last half of the epic interview with Brad and Jonathan from Choose FI. Continuing where we left off from last week, we finish up the Pillars of FI conversation, including beginner level topics you can be doing such as frugality and index fund investing but also touch on more advanced topics like tax optimiz
The Pillars of FI: Designing the Life You Want with Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa from Choose FI
On today’s epic show, we speak with Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa from Choose FI. Brad and Jonathan share their pillars of financial independence — the 10 things you need to do in order to achieve FI. We cover beginner-level topics such as... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit