Rick Hanson – Marc Lesser

Rick Hanson is a psychologist, an interview host, and an author. Marc Lesser is a coach / mentor, a business executive, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Rick Hanson and Marc Lesser.

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Episodes with Rick Hanson & Marc Lesser

Forrest Hanson + Rick Hanson & Marc Lesser 06 Dec 2019 • EN

Just One Thing: Care Fully

Sometimes it's nice to have just one thing to focus on: a simple theme each week to reflect on and be inspired by. On this short episode, Marc Lesser, Forrest, and Dr. Rick Hanson share the most important things they do, each day, for their own well-being. If you'd like to start making real, positive changes to your br

6 min
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Forrest Hanson + Rick Hanson & Marc Lesser 02 Dec 2019 • EN

Bringing Mindfulness into the Workplace

There’s a natural tendency to view different elements of our lives as being unique and distinct from one another: what we do at home, or what we do as part of our personal growth journey, is somehow fundamentally different from what we do at work. So what can we do, both as individuals and a collective, to bring those

35 min
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