Reid Hoffman – Russ Roberts

Reid Hoffman is an entrepreneur and interview host. Russ Roberts is an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Reid Hoffman and Russ Roberts.

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Episodes with Reid Hoffman & Russ Roberts

Russ Roberts & Reid Hoffman 27 Jan 2025 • EN

Why AI Is Good for Humans (with Reid Hoffman)

Should we worry about the human future in a world of AI? Reid Hoffman is unafraid and even optimistic. He argues that the brave new world that awaits is going to be great for humanity. Listen as he talks about his book Superagency with EconTalk's Russ Roberts and argues that the future is bright not just for AI, but fo

81 min
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Russ Roberts & Ben Casnocha + Reid Hoffman 04 Aug 2014 • EN

Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha on LinkedIn and The Alliance

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of professional networking site LinkedIn, and Ben Casnocha, former Chief-of-Staff of LinkedIn, talk to EconTalk host Russ Roberts about LinkedIn and their book The Alliance. Hoffman and Casnocha discuss the founding and vision of LinkedIn along with their ideas in The Alliance on how to improve

69 min
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