Oliver Burkeman – Dan Harris

Oliver Burkeman is an author and a journalist. Dan Harris is an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Oliver Burkeman and Dan Harris.

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Episodes with Oliver Burkeman & Dan Harris

Dan Harris & Oliver Burkeman 01 Jun 2022 • EN

Time Management for Mortals | Oliver Burkeman

In a culture that values persistent productivity, one can be left feeling chronically behind.  In this episode, author and recovering time management junkie, Oliver Burkeman  encourages us to stop scrambling to fit it all in by exploring the relationship between our mortality and getting things done.  Oliver Burkeman i

69 min
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Dan Harris & Oliver Burkeman 09 Jan 2019 • EN

Oliver Burkeman, The Power of Negative Thinking

Oliver Burkeman writes about social psychology, self-help culture, productivity, and the science of happiness in This Column Will Change Your Life for The Guardian. In his writings, he challenges "The Power of Positive Thinking," and in fact argues for the benefits of contemplating worst-case scenarios. His new book, "

73 min
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