Majo Molfino – Laura Owens

Majo Molfino is an interview host, an author, and a media personality. Laura Owens is an entrepreneur, a media personality, and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Majo Molfino and Laura Owens.

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Episodes with Majo Molfino & Laura Owens

Laura Owens + Jan Black & Majo Molfino 13 Jun 2020 • EN

Majo Molfino: ...the importance of learning self-compassion

Majo Molfino, Stanford University-trained designer and women’s leadership expert, joins us to talk about how women can improve their self-worth and build creative confidence. As children, most girls are to "be good" and learn that conforming to societal norms leads to praise. However, that usually leads to a lifelong q

27 min
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