Linda Heeler – Sara Troy
Linda Heeler is a coach / mentor and an interview host. Sara Troy is a marketer, an interview host, and an entrepreneur. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Linda Heeler and Sara Troy.
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Episodes with Linda Heeler & Sara Troy
Episode 46. For 10 plus years, Sara Troy and her hosts at Self Discovery Media have lived within the philosophy of authenticity. With thoughtful guidance from extraordinary people from all across the world, they have come together to share those stories that make a difference in the lives of others. She now has 3000 s
Coaching gave me my life back. I had so much social anxiety that it was easier to lose myself in my family and work. Therapy helped but I still had crippling fear and anxiety every time I wanted to try something new. Now I’m living an amazing life and doing things I never thought possible. The best part is, that I’m he