Laurie Santos – Katy Milkman

Laurie Santos is a cognitive scientist, an interview host, and a psychologist. Katy Milkman is an economist, interview host, and author. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Laurie Santos and Katy Milkman.

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Episodes with Laurie Santos & Katy Milkman

Laurie Santos & Katy Milkman 09 Apr 2020 • EN

Laurie's Personal Tips

Many people seek Laurie's advice on how to be happier despite this awful pandemic. Prof Katy Milkman invited Laurie to appear on the Choiceology podcast to talk about the things she is doing personally to optimise her happiness amid the fear and stress. We thought we'd share Katy's interview with you so you can hear La

35 min
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Katy Milkman & Laurie Santos 06 Apr 2020 • EN

Coping Amid the Crisis: With Guest Laurie Santos

An unprecedented global health crisis has overwhelmed healthcare systems, disrupted economies and financial markets, and radically altered our daily lives. And while social distancing is the responsible thing to do to slow the spread of disease, it also heightens the emotional challenges we face during these scary and

39 min
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Laurie Santos & Katy Milkman 06 Jan 2020 • EN

A New Hope

Research shows we all look for moments to make a fresh start - new years, new seasons, new decades. Our optimism about making big, positive changes is strong, but it fades quickly. As we enter 2020, Dr Laurie Santos asks Wharton's Katy Milkman about the science behind the "fresh start' effect and examines ways we can m

22 min
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