Kimberly Rhodes – Eron Nicholson
Kimberly Rhodes is a business executive, a media personality, and an interview host. Eron Nicholson is a business executive. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Kimberly Rhodes and Eron Nicholson.
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Episodes with Kimberly Rhodes & Eron Nicholson
Leaving the Cloud: The Finale
You’ve no doubt heard the 37signals team talking about leaving the cloud. Well, now the transition is complete! In this episode of Rework, 37signals co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson and Director of Operations Eron Nicholson sit down with host Kimberly Rhodes to discuss the unexpected speed of the move, the decisions
Leaving the Cloud Part 2
In October 2022, 37signals announced they would transition off cloud services in a post titled "Why We"re Leaving the Cloud." Despite the advantages of the cloud, the downsides were too significant for the company. In this follow-up episode to Leaving the Cloud on REWORK, co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson and Direc