Jim Underdown – Julia Shaw

Jim Underdown is a business executive, an interview host, and a journalist. Julia Shaw is a psychologist, an author, and a media personality. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Jim Underdown and Julia Shaw.

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Episodes with Jim Underdown & Julia Shaw

Leighann Lord + Jim Underdown & Julia Shaw 26 Sep 2016 • EN

Editing Our Pasts: Dr. Julia Shaw on The Illusion of Memory

Dr. Julia Shaw is a psychological scientist and senior researcher in the Department of Law and Social Science at London South Bank University. She teaches at the undergraduate and graduate level and her research on false memory has been published in several international academic journals. She returns to Point of Inqui

31 min
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Leighann Lord + Jim Underdown & Julia Shaw 02 Mar 2015 • EN

False Memories Creating False Criminals, with Dr. Julia Shaw

<span style="font-size:9.5pt; font-family:Arial;mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Memory is remarkably fallible, as we often frustrate ourselves with how certain we are about where we left our car keys only to realize how entirely wrong we were. But could it be that our memories are so easily corru

36 min
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