Jacqueline Capstick – Kitt O'Malley

Jacqueline Capstick is a coach / mentor and an interview host. Kitt O'Malley is an author. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Jacqueline Capstick and Kitt O'Malley.

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Episodes with Jacqueline Capstick & Kitt O'Malley

Jacqueline Capstick & Kitt O'Malley 17 Mar 2023 • EN

What it’s like Living with Bipolar Disorder| Kitt O’Malley

Our guest today on “The Natural Healing Reel” is Kitt O'Malley. She is a mental health advocate, public speaker, and former psychotherapist who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Kitt is also an author, with her book called “Balancing Act: Writing Through a Bipolar Life". In this episode, we discuss her life’s s

71 min
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