Doug Bopst – Sal Di Stefano
Doug Bopst is a media personality and an interview host. Sal Di Stefano is a coach / trainer, a media personality, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Doug Bopst and Sal Di Stefano.
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Episodes with Doug Bopst & Sal Di Stefano
The No BS Way To Build Muscle, Melt Belly Fat & Get Lean | Sal Di Stefano
Today’s guest is Sal Di Stefano. You may know Sal as one of the hosts of the Mind Pump Podcast, a show that exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more. Sal picked up his first weight at the age of 14. Fitness was a way for him to apply hard work and effort towards changing and re-inventing himself.
The Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes People Make & How To Actually Burn Body Fat | Sal Di Stefano
Today’s guest is Sal Di Stefano and this is his 4th time on the podcast. Sal is a friend, personal trainer, and cohost of the highly popular Mind Pump podcast which I have also been a guest on. Last month I released an episode with Stan Efferding on fat loss and it was so well received that I wanted to bring Sal on as