Cathy Rashidian – Diann Wingert

Cathy Rashidian is a media personality, a coach / mentor, and an interview host. Diann Wingert is a media personality and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Cathy Rashidian and Diann Wingert.

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Episodes with Cathy Rashidian & Diann Wingert

Cathy Rashidian & Diann Wingert 12 Dec 2020 • EN

Exploring ADHD Coaching vs. Therapy | Guest Diann Wingert

Adult ADHD diagnosis may feel like a life sentence to some of us but what if we consider it an explanation of our very unique brain neurology. For some, this new piece of information can be a hard pill to swallow and may cause intense emotions, such as grief or the opposite, a sense of relief.   ADHD Coaching and Thera

41 min
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In this episode, I was so inspired by Diann's story on radical self-acceptance. I thoroughly enjoyed her real talk style, wisdom, and her story to Radical Self Acceptance. One of the common themes that I come across working with professionals and entrepreneurs are around self-acceptance. Even though most of them have b

26 min
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