Byron Katie – Dave Asprey

Byron Katie is a media personality and an author. Dave Asprey is an interview host, entrepreneur, and author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Byron Katie and Dave Asprey.

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Episodes with Byron Katie & Dave Asprey

IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™... …a legacy upgrade conversation with Byron Katie will have you digging deep into the work of fine-tuning your mindset. Her keystone practice, The Work, allows you to access the wisdom you already hold inside you. She explains it as a process to “clear the mind.” You’ll ask yourse

53 min
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Dave Asprey & Byron Katie 04 Oct 2018 • EN

Byron Katie: Hacking the Voice in Your Head

You may know Byron Katie as the bestselling author of “Loving What Is.” She is an inspirational guide who offers people a different way to think their thoughts so they can change their mindsets and, ultimately, their lives. In 1986, at the bottom of a 10-year spiral into depression, rage, and self-loathing, 43-year-old

55 min
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