Cristiano Luchini – Jayashankar Krishnamurty

Cristiano Luchini is a multimedia producer and an interview host. Jayashankar Krishnamurty is a coach / mentor. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Cristiano Luchini and Jayashankar Krishnamurty.

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Episodes with Cristiano Luchini & Jayashankar Krishnamurty

Cristiano Luchini & Jayashankar Krishnamurty 11 Jan 2023 • EN

Rasa Lila Dance and Shiva Dance in Sanatana Dharma - Episode 94

This new series of episodes on the Cosmic Dancer podcast channel aims to disseminate the theoretical teachings of Vedanta philosophy (dating back nearly 7,000 years) through the practical experiences of daily life. This is through the involvement of guests from the world of music, art, literature, science, etc... Topic

34 min
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Cristiano Luchini & William Franke + Jayashankar Krishnamurty 21 Dec 2022 • EN

Divine Comedy and Bhagavad Gita, with William Franke and Jayashankar Krishnamurty - Episode 93

Contact: I like to disseminate love, kindness and knowledge. Please respect yourself, your people and the earth. Take care, and thanks for supporting me with Paypal. Peace! Podcast Episode Cover, produced by me using the Photole

51 min
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Cristiano Luchini & Nova Lorraine + Jayashankar Krishnamurty 26 Jul 2022 • EN

Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta, Intellect and Metaverse (with Nova Lorraine) - Episode 77

Contact: I like to disseminate love, kindness and knowledge. Please respect yourself, people and earth. Take care and thanks for supporting me with Paypal. Peace! This new series of episodes on Cosmic Dancer podcast channel, aim

44 min
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