Michael Arceneaux's Interviews
Say It, Forget It. Write It, Regret It. (with Michael Arceneaux)
Sarah watches the new episode of Potomac and wonders if those evil geniuses over at AI HQ can create a Karen Huger only edit for Peacock. Thinking about the Pickleball Queen (whose triple 20s is very reminiscent of a "spiritual mid-twenties-plus mentality, natch), she zooms up another absolute delight, Bravoholic and N
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? Tampa, prob. After watching the...shall we say, confounding, reunion finale for Atlanta, Sarah looks for one of the remaining peaches Drew brought to set as a prop. She realizes it's past its expiration date (kind of like this season) and instead Zooms up someone with the freshes
What started out as an essay about one man’s struggle with student loan debt in the New York Times, has morphed into Michael Arceneaux’s next best seller, I Don’t Want to Die Poor. Michael Arceneaux, the author of the New York Times bestseller, I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race and Other Reasons Why I Put My
"#poorAF" (with Michael Arceneaux)
In this week's Keep It: Home Edition, Ira, Louis, and Aida discuss Sondheim's 90th birthday concert, JK Simmons as a sex symbol, why Miles Teller deserves an Oscar, #blackAF, Making the Cut's winner, and more! Hot Takes returns with Ira declaring Angel a better show than Buffy. Plus, Michael Arceneaux returns to discus
Michael Arceneaux: Author, I Don’t Want to Die Poor
Michael Arceneaux is the New York Times best-selling author of I Can’t Date Jesus and his new collection of essays, I Don’t Want to Die Poor, in which he chronicles the debilitating nature of his student debt. A graduate of Howard University who is known for his biting wit and cultural insights, Michael’s writing appea
[BONUS EPISODE] Releasing a Book During a Pandemic & The Writing Journey with New York Times Best-selling Author Michael Arceneaux
New York Times best-selling author of I Can"t Date Jesus, Michael Arceneaux, has just released his new book I Don"t Want To Die Poor during this crazy COVID-19 pandemic. In the special bonus episode, we discuss what that looks like, his writing journey up to this point and the turmoil caused by student loan debt. Suppo
Podcasts with Michael Arceneaux
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