Michael Arceneaux – Louis Virtel
Michael Arceneaux is an author. Louis Virtel is a media personality and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Michael Arceneaux and Louis Virtel.
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Episodes with Michael Arceneaux & Louis Virtel
Louis Virtel
+ Ira Madison
+ Aida Osman
Michael Arceneaux
29 Apr 2020
• EN
"#poorAF" (with Michael Arceneaux)
In this week's Keep It: Home Edition, Ira, Louis, and Aida discuss Sondheim's 90th birthday concert, JK Simmons as a sex symbol, why Miles Teller deserves an Oscar, #blackAF, Making the Cut's winner, and more! Hot Takes returns with Ira declaring Angel a better show than Buffy. Plus, Michael Arceneaux returns to discus