Louise Bedford

Louise Bedford

5 Interviews

Louise Bedford's Interviews

Although I was getting Louise on to share her expertise about trading, we found ourselves further unpacking the importance of having a long-term view as well as setting short term goals with the catalyst being getting our mindset right when it comes to investing. It's not surprising to hear that only 26% of American wo

46 min
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Louise Bedford is one of Australia’s most compelling speakers on the sharemarket, as well as being in the markets for over 20 years, she has trained thousands of people to maximise their own trading potential. She is a behavioural finance expert and has degrees in Psychology and Business, and has done the hard yards in

George Grombacher & Louise Bedford + Chris Tate 18 Aug 2020 • EN

Making Money Trading with Louise Bedford and Chris Tate

On this show, we talked about why too many people lose money trading, how it can be a good way to earn extra income, and what the best and most successful traders do with Louise Bedford and Chris Tate, CoCreators of the Trading Game.  Listen to learn the necessity of having a solid plan for getting started trading! For

21 min
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Louise Bedford + Caroline Stephen & Daniel Crosby 05 May 2020 • EN

Wired for Safety 2

Dr Daniel Crosby and Louise Bedford on our primitive brains versus investing.Louise BedfordHow we react hunting on the savannah with the sabre tooth tiger over our shoulder is not always compatible with how to make money in the market.Our instinctive reactions can prevent us from cutting a loss short and letting your p

29 min
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Caroline Stephen + Louise Bedford & Jordan Michaelides 19 Sep 2019 • EN

Overcoming Anxiety

Jordan Michaelides on trading rules, transitions in life and how he beat anxiety. Louise Bedford and the rule of HALT and learning not to trade when you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired.MindpowerCareful about trading when you are Hungry Angry Lonely or Tired – HALT.When you are experiencing any of these 4 extremes yo

23 min
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Podcasts with Louise Bedford


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