Katherine Collette's Interviews
Katherine Collette
+ Kate Mildenhall
Irma Gold
26 Nov 2018
• EN
Our super profitable side business & Irma Gold on putting your heart into the world.
So what happened with our brilliant side business ideas? Kate & Katherine discuss progress on making cash to fund the podcast, and ultimately decide on an entirely different approach. But is it all just another way to avoid writing their next books? Next, Kate speaks with Canberra writer & editor Irma Gold on writing f
Katherine Collette
+ Kate Mildenhall
08 Oct 2018
• EN
Book covers & Karen Viggers on French audiences, re-writes and the human condition.
In this episode Katherine and Kate chat about book covers. What they expected versus what they got, and how they dealt with that first box opening. Then, Katherine speaks with Canberra author, Karen Viggers, about combining writing with being a vet, the art of re-writing and how it feels to be a bestseller in France. C
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