J-M Erlendson

J-M Erlendson

4 Interviews

J-M Erlendson's Interviews

Roland Woldt + J-M Erlendson & Ron Baker 12 Dec 2022 • EN

Ep. 36 - Lean and Six Sigma: Ron Baker

There was a lot of buzz around Lean and Six Sigma back in the 80s and 90s, but not today anymore. However, the practice is not dead and it is still relevant and used in many industries today. And there are good reasons to take a step back and have another look at why it was so successful and what of the practice still

65 min
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Roland Woldt + J-M Erlendson & Jakub Dvořák 02 May 2022 • EN

Ep. 21 - Consulting in Process Mining: Jakub Dvořák

The topic "Process" seems to have a renaissance these days. A lot of younger folks are deciding to work in this industry, and a not so small part of this might be caused by the exciting new technology of Process Mining, which seems to be natural for people who grew up with technology in all areas of their life. In toda

57 min
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Roland Woldt + J-M Erlendson & James Dening 18 Apr 2022 • EN

Ep. 20 - Process Mining: James Dening

Sometimes things in business kill the best podcast publishing schedule. Today's guest, James Dening, the CEO of Minit, has sold the firm to Microsoft on March 31. Nevertheless this interview with him is very insightful regarding his way to becoming the CEO, process mining as a discipline, as well as the process mining

72 min
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Roland Woldt + J-M Erlendson & Amardeep Modi 04 Apr 2022 • EN

Ep. 19 - Interacting with analysts: Amardeep Modi

Analysts are the mystical wizards of the tech industry. Their reports and analysis results shape markets and sometimes also the fates of organizations that play in that market. Therefore, many organizations want to control access to analysts and a lot of questions are unanswered, leaving behind confused people. But we

57 min
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Podcast with J-M Erlendson


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