Joanna Chiu

Joanna Chiu
3 Interviews

Joanna Chiu's Interviews

Recent headlines: Taiwan Politicians Dismiss Musk’s ‘ill-Informed and Belittling’ China Comments. In Global Slowdown, China Holds Sway Over Countries’ Fates. A Dilemma of US-Trained Chinese Scientists: Stay or Leave? US Tries to Hobble China Chip Industry with New Rules. How did we get here?  How do we navigate our rel

54 min
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Rob Johnson & Joanna Chiu 21 Apr 2022 • EN

Joanna Chiu—China vs. West: New World Disorder

The Toronto Star journalist Joanna Chiu discusses her book, China Unbound: A New World Disorder, which argues that we need to go beyond the typical over-simplifications of democratic West versus autocratic China if we hope to engage China in a way that seriously addresses issues such as human rights, climate change, an

69 min
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Andrew Keen & Joanna Chiu 02 Nov 2021 • EN

Joanna Chiu on the Human Cost of China's Growth

In this episode of “Keen On”, Andrew is joined by Joanna Chiu, the author of “China Unbound: A New World Disorder”, to discuss the backdrop of toxic diplomacy, human rights abuses and foreign interference seen in a "booming" China today. Joanna Chiu is senior journalist for the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper.

40 min
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Podcasts with Joanna Chiu


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