Harry Cliff

Harry Cliff, PhD

3 Interviews

Harry Cliff's Interviews

Neil deGrasse Tyson + Chuck Nice & Harry Cliff 21 Jan 2025 • EN

Why… Anything? With Harry Cliff

Why was there more matter than antimatter left over? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice explore the quantum origins of the universe, charge parity violation, dark matter, and the many quarks that make up our world with CERN particle physicist Harry Cliff.  NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire epis

45 min
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This week, the inside story of how scientists working at Cern’s Large Hadron Collider found tantalising new evidence which could mean we have to rethink what we know about the universe. And an update on the situation for Rohingya refugees from Myanmar living in Bangladesh after a deadly fire swept through a refugee cam

38 min
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Harry Cliff is a particle physicist at the University of Cambridge working on the Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment that specializes in searching for hints of new particles and forces by studying a type of particle called the "beauty quark", or "b quark". In this way, he is part of the group of physicists who are

98 min
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Podcasts with Harry Cliff


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