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Hello! I'm Dhara Singh , a Stories to Sales™ Coach for Entrepreneurs and former corporate journalist. I help you take the lessons from your life and create something meaningful to help other people.
My Stories to Sales framework has helped 150+ small business owners improve their messaging online, discover their deeper brand identity, and connect deeper to their audience.
In December 2022, I am reopening doors to round 3 of my Stories to Sales™ group program where we take women on a journey of taking their life story and creating high-ticket offers to help other people. Story. Sales and Strategy.
To collaborate and connect please book a 20-minute free call here:
Dhara Singh's Interviews
The power of storytelling can literally shift your business & brand. Hop on and listen to Dhara Singh, a Storytelling Coach, who helps you dive into your story, to unlock your niche, brand and create your business all aligned to who you are. To binge more of Dhara's content or to learn more on how to work with her : h
Today we speak to Dhara Singh who explains what a Renaissance Soul is, her journey to starting a new Life Coaching Business, and Dhara's Journey to where she is now. You can find Dhara at: @dsinghx
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