Sports: Baseball

Subcategory of: Sports

Top episodes in Sports: Baseball

It looks like it is all over for the Padres. Long time baseball writer Scott Miller shares his thoughts on the Padres. He and Darnay Tripp discuss problems with this year’s club. How will some unusual circumstances make it difficult to pull off drastic changes? How much of the blame goes to GM AJ Preller and how likely

48 min
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On his weekly Chipped Ham and Football podcast, Post-Gazette Steelers insider Brian Batko welcomes Ian Rapoport, National Insider for NFL Network and, to discuss the national perspective and perception of the Steelers. Why is Pittsburgh considered a “curiosity” around the league compared to other NFL franchises

20 min
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Chris Shelor & Kute Blackson 18 Jan 2023 • EN

#200 | Kute Blackson | The Magic of Surrender

KUTE BLACKSON is a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational teacher. He speaks at countless events he organizes around the world as well as at outside events including A-Fest, YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), and EO (Entrepreneurs’ Organization). He is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council,

49 min
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Michael Millward & Ava Glass 12 Mar 2023 • EN

The Chase, a conversation with author Ava Glass

Michael Millward meets Ava Glass the creator of the intelligent intelligence officer Emma Makepeace the main character in The Chase, the first of a series of espionage novels. Ava explains the real-life events that inspired The Chase and the extensive research she undertook before putting pen to paper. A British intell

23 min
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Michael Millward & Greg Mosse 10 Nov 2022 • EN

The Coming Darkness A Conversation with Author Greg Mosse

Michael Millward meets Greg Mosse to talk about his new novel The Coming Darkness. Set in the near future The Coming Darkness is a thriller in which Alex, a French secret service agent has to balance the needs of an assignment with the pressures of family life. With Alex. Mosse has created a very human hero who retains

28 min
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Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk, he coaches ambitious executives & entrepreneurs to become top 1% communicators in their industry. He also has a popular YouTube channel called MasterTalk, with the goal of providing free access to communication tools for everyone in the world. Support this podcast at — https://redc

50 min
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