Victoria Barouskaya

Victoria Barouskaya

2 Interviews

Victoria Barouskaya's Interviews

How? One way is now super-clear thanks to Victoria Barouskaya's new partnership package code-named Kickstart 🥾 "We pulled together all the tools and startup services we use and trust to build better products. With Kickstart we launch faster and cheaper thanks to consolidated discounts on everything from databases, hos

39 min
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John McTavish & Victoria Barouskaya 19 Jul 2021 • EN

Startup Heart and Project Management with Victoria Barouskaya

Time for Episode 7 of Ship it and Sip it with special guest Victoria Barouskaya 🤝 We explore 🧐 🧭 her journey into project management and Paralec 👉 how she dealt with imposter syndrome at the beginning 💪 and how she's involved with growing the startup ecosystem at her University "I'm really grateful to our team of

29 min
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Podcast with Victoria Barouskaya


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