Your Next Great Chapter
Seeking greater purpose, fulfillment, and happiness in your life? Your Next Great Chapter is a podcast for those who are tired of being stuck in an unhappy rut and are ready to transform their life for the better. Whether it is your whole life that needs a reboot or there is one area that could do with a make-over, Your Next Great Chapter will show you how to get there. Every week, you will receive the dose of inspiration and education you need to make a long-lasting lifestyle change. More importantly, navigate your transition with grace and courage.
Show episodes
Amy Polacko is an award winning journalist who survived a narcissist nightmare and now helps women to create an amazing next chapter after divorce or a toxic relationship. For more information on her work check out her website www.freedomwarrior.info and https://www.facebook.com/freedomwarriortribe https://www.instagra
Allyson Byrd is more than just a mentor to business owners in the digital marketing space; she is an agent of transformation and grace. A celebrated leader and sales expert, Allyson has enabled her students to come together and create astounding results – $330 million in sales revenue using her methodologies of Spotlig
Dinara Mukh is a nutrition coach and TEDx speaker who works with women to help them balance their hormones and regulate cycles naturally so they can feel their best physically and mentally. You can find more about Dinara’s work at https://www.instagram.com/dinara.mukh/ Ways to work with your host Olga Nadal: Become ce
Joi Yvette is a conscious parent guide helping her clients find more joy, calm, clarity and stability in their parenting experience. https://instagram.com/_iamjoiyvette?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=q https://joiyvette.cohere.live/about https://m.facebook.com/groups/2649441785303192/?ref=share&mibextid=ykz3hl Ways to work with yo
Vassia Sarantopoulou is the Founder, CEO and Head Psychologist of AntiLoneliness, a company offering mental health services in The Netherlands and also worldwide. She is also a Trainer, a Perfectionism Expert and a Mental Health Ambassador, promoting Inner Peace, Mental Strength and Healthy Relationships with others an
Marina Yanay Triner Is a somatic leadership coach who helps clients unleash their power and move past being stuck in their body's unregulated nervous system so they can embrace unprecedented success. @marina.y.t on IG Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deep-within-with-marina-yanay-triner/id1660457441 Ways