You Winning Life

Updated: 25 Apr 2024 • 180 episodes

Imagine a show where you can gather the life hacks of people who have been radically successful personally and professionally. Jason Wasser, Therapist and Certified Coach will connect you with guests from the worlds of Psychology, Spirituality, Entrepreneurship and Natural Wellness that will provide insights, motivation, self-help and shortcuts to minimizing your stress and maximizing your potential. Personal development fans, this is the podcast for you!  Connect with me on Instagram @jasonwasserlmft  *No general or specific comments on this podcast should be considered as therapeutic, business or legal advice and is only for educational/informational purposes only. Please find a licensed mental health professional and legal professional to address any specific concerns. #psychology #mentalhealth #mindset #entrepreneur #therapy #healing #businesscoaching #integrativemedicine #mindbodymedicine #therapist 

Show episodes

Discover the transformative power through a profound conversation with Ajit Nawalka, the mind behind EverCoach and the Dharma Coaching Institute. Our dialogue unveils Ajit"s inspiring ascent from a crowded household in India to a luminary in the personal growth sphere, underscoring the undeniable influence of mentorshi

50 min
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Have you ever wondered why some transformations stick while others fizzle out like forgotten New Year"s resolutions? Join us as transformative coach and author Jacob Kaufman unpacks the journey toward authentic change. In a heartfelt discussion, we move past the facade of achievement to address the deep-seated pain tha

39 min
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Embarking on a personal journey can sometimes feel like navigating a labyrinth; every turn reveals new challenges and insights. That"s why we invited Rick Warner, a titan in the real estate industry with a keen interest in neurology and self-improvement, to share his compelling narrative. From grappling with self-estee

69 min
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Embark on a transformative journey with us as Eric Esteves, a luminary in the entrepreneurial landscape, unfolds the map to his ascent from a corporate cog to the creator of a bustling mortgage empire. By tuning in, you"ll grasp the essence of business scaling, the unexpected challenges that ambush you along the way, a

39 min
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Embark on a journey to uncover the subtle yet profound ways stress shapes our existence with Dr. Wendy Trubo, a guiding light in the world of integrative and functional medicine. This conversation is a deep dive into the hidden corners of well-being, where the ripples of our daily lives, from the thoughts we entertain

38 min
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Have you ever witnessed a masterful blend of artistry and science? Dr. Bobby Grossi"s journey from musician and athlete to revolutionary dentist is just that - a symphony of skill, heart, and entrepreneurial spirit. Join us as we uncover the transformative lessons of leadership and growth within the realm of dentistry,

42 min
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