Top Fitness Strategies Presents
Top Fitness Strategies Presents is a show all about Health and Fitness focused on the "Fitness Over 50" crowd. We understand that everyone is different and anyone looks at health and fitness differently. That's why Top Fitness Strategies Presents has guests and interviews with health and fitness professionals from around the globe. We just don't focus on one aspect of your health or your fitness. We have tips and techniques and great information for just about anyone! Look around, see all the various shows and interviews and I'm sure you'll see something which will benefit your own situation.
Show episodes
When you make a decision to get healthier, there are a few things which will really SUCK! But, once you know about it, life gets so much easier! In this podcast, I'll outline what I'm talking about so you can be prepared to EMBRACE THE SUCK! ***links*** Home: https://TopFitnessStrategies.com Fitness 101: https://TopFit
https://TopFitnessStrategies.com/ What do you think of when you hear the word "DIET"? In this podcast, I'll tell you a few things about dieting you may have never heard before, but guess what, you won't be able to say that any longer! Listen to what I have to say then tell me your thoughts. I'm looking forward to heari
https://TopFitnessStrategies.com I'm sure this video will be a bit controversial, but that's part of the learning process. Listen to what I have to say and let me know if you agree with it with a comment. ***FREE STUFF*** Fitness eBook: https://TopFitnessStrategies.com/book ***LINKS*** Home ---- https://TopFitnessStrat
When people think of getting healthier and fitter, what do they thing about? Usually it has to do with workouts or nutrition, right? What if I told you that there's something else as well. Something that really, REALLY matters to your overall health? Listen to what I have to say to understand more of what I'm talking a
https://TopFitnessStrategies.com Did you play in the "Turkey Bowl" this year? A lot of people play this backyard football game during Thanksgiving and stuff happens to them. What kind of stuff? Well, you'll need to listen and find out! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. ***links*** Home: https://TopFitnessStra
Once you hit the 50 year old mark, things change. What was once a good or great way to do things, may not be such any longer, especially when it comes to your health and fitness. Listen to what I have to say and let me know if I'm off my rocker or not. I'd love to hear your opinion on this. Leave me a comment. ***free