Thriving Adoptees - Let's Thrive
Let's thrive. Thriving Adoptees helps adoptees thrive. What does thriving mean to you? Healing? Post Traumatic Growth? Evolving? Listen in as we explore what's helped adoptees do all that... Email me at if you'd like to have a chat about being a guest on the show. There have been 93,000 downloads of the show since launch in April 2021.
Show episodes
Many of us adoptees have been asking questions for as long as we can remember. Who are we? Where did we come from? Why were we adopted? What drives our questions? What drives your questions? Listen in as adoptee and therapist Kim shares the fierce curiosity that drives her, coming through the toughest of times and more
"The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence." A great quote from Roy T. Bennett. As adoptees we talk a lot about the past, our stories and more. This episode is all about the future. Creating our own future. Listen in as Carol shares insights and learnings on potentiality - unlocking our potential. But
Do you yearn to belong? To feel a deeper sense of belonging? To feel you belong with others? With yourself? What would that mean to you? Listen in as Jude and I dive deep into this profound topic. Find out about Jude's book here https://www.faceb
So many of us feel broken. And that hurts like hell. How would it feel to be whole? A whole lot better. Listen in as Daryn shares his learnings from a very counter-cultural take on wholeness from adoptee Sydney Banks. Daryn really stretched me - in a good way - and that helped me to new insights. We both hope it cataly
How do we feel at our best? Listen in as we explore the mind and body connection together with some simple ways to feel at our best more of the time. I loved this conversation and we both hope you do too. Christine Tangel is a licensed clinical social worker with over 15 years of experience working with children and fa
If you're in the muck, keep moving forward. You can move on. Listen in as birth mother Kristy describes how she got inspired and let her inspire you. Great life lessons. Great episode. Connect with Kristy here: Guests and the host are not